The central idea for this unit is Living things need to adapt to survive’ and year 2 students have been exploring the physical and behavioral adaptations of animals that help them to survive in particular environments.


In groups the P2B students researched information about mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians and shared with the rest of PYP some interesting information that they learned about their animal group. As a group they decided what information they wanted to share with PYP about their animal group and how they were going to communicate that information. Using informative slides, colorful pictures, videos, movement and accessories the groups taught PYP students about the characteristics, behavior and adaptations of different animal groups.


Each group gave students a chance to use the information that they had just learned to answer a question about the animal group, with the opportunity to earn a caught-being-good card for a correct answer.


The P2B students ended off their assembly by showing off their interpretive dancing skills at the end of the assembly by moving and dancing like various kinds of animals to the lyrics of ‘The animal song’.
